Life in Possum Holler

Saline County, Arkansas, United States
See my website at

27 December 2008


SEX AND SOCIETY: AMERICAN LAW | Onlinepharmanews. Health News

The bond of mar­riage is defined by the law and allows the legal reproduction of people in the form of the fam­ily. David Schneider, in his study of American kinship as a cultural system, has identified sex­ual intercourse as the key symbol of American kinship. This is so, in that sexual intercourse combines the two aspects of kin­ship as it is understood by Americans: "blood" (or substance) and code-for-conduct or law. Through intercourse, the archtypic relation in law, marriage, is expressed and relations in "blood" (child/parent) are created. The duality of relations in blood (or substance) and in code-for-conduct or law is predicated upon more general notions of nature and culture, re­spectively. In this frame, relations in law in­clude not only those which are the explicit content of legislation but also relations based in lawlike, ordered sets of interactions. Schneider suggests that in American culture a sim­ilar structure of relations in "blood" or substance and relations in law underlies the cultural con­struction of nationality and religion as well as of kinship.

14 December 2008

Know your family's medical history, know your risk
Linda Shrieves, Orlando Sentinel Staff Writer, December 9, 2008

Read entire article at link.

Excerpt: "The notion is so popular that the government has even gotten into the act. The U.S. Surgeon's General's Office has set up a Web site -- -- that helps people create their own medical family tree and put it in a format (a pedigree chart) that doctors can use."

The mysteries of DNA--Video

MormonTimes - VIdeo: The mysteries of DNA: "In this 16-minute video presentation, Scott R. Woodward, executive director of Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation, explains what DNA is, what it can teach us, what its weaknesses are and how it can be used to understand and track relationships between individuals and groups."

A Queer North Carolina Race (1894)

From The Melungeon Historical Society

Read a transcript of an 1894 article in the New York Sun, describing a "queer race" or people in North Carolina--Melungeons.

A black and white connection through common ancestry - Bellevue Reporter

A black and white connection through common ancestry - Bellevue Reporter

By LINDSAY LARIN, Bellevue Reporter Staff Writer, Nov 14 2008

After years of exchanging e-mails and long-distance phone calls, Norman J. Landerman-Moore and Ann Moore Black met face-to-face for the Western Region African American Conference held at the Bellevue South Stake Center building. The two are distant cousins, related through a common great-great-grandfather, Caleb Moore, of Ten-Mile, Meigs County, Tenn.

Sitting side by side, the newly aquatinted relatives share few similarities at first glance, but their connection runs deep, with common ancestry dating back to the 1600s. [Follow link for rest of article; also see photograph]

08 December 2008

Definitions, Explanations and Clarifications of Sociological and Anthropological Terms

Professor Peter Landstreet’s Sociology Courses » 2050A (2008-2009): "Definitions, Explanations and Clarifications of Sociological and Anthropological Terms"

Click on the link above (on the linked page from here) to go to 12-page PDF file of the following excellent synopsis of society and kinship terms, explanations, and definitions:

Definitions, Explanations and Clarifications of Sociological and Anthropological Terms

1. Kinship Terms (and Related)
2. Other Terms, Primarily Anthropological
3. Other Terms, Sociological or Common to Sociology and Anthropology
4. Societal Types

Tribal Society and Kinship

Professor Peter Landstreet’s Sociology Courses » Some Conceptual Questions In Context of Tribal Society:

"Let’s look for the social organization of kinship: You’ll find it:
A) in all the role relationships (e.g. husband-wife, mother-son, grandfather-granddaughter, etc.) that exist within families and which, taken together, “constitute” the families.
B) in kin relations of the more “extended” sort — cousin-cousin, aunt-nephew, etc.
C) in the organization of the lineage, and the clan (to use two common cases)."

Read entire article at link.